The study was conceived with the primary aim to understand the actual/total effect that i-Help has on students’ academic development .The impact study also attempts to show that the funding and resources received by i-Help was properly channelized and that it was utilised to create a better learning environment for the students.
The study was aimed at understanding the reasons for high dropout rates in i-Help schools and for analysing the underlying barriers for higher education such as availability, affordability and accessibility along with an understanding of the students’ mindset. This project was also required to have a separate team working on creating better educational opportunities for the children by collaborating with different channels.
The project was undertaken to see the impact of personalised teaching on students’ learning ability. It aims to understand the effectiveness of decreasing the student-teacher ratio and customizing their study materials, modules and tests according to their learning pace and intellectual capacity.
The project is aimed at utilising affordable and small-scale technological means to give students access to interactive learning by letting them step out of their textbook centric classrooms and tuning into the plethora of educational knowledge that the internet holds.
The Indian education system faces structural and implementation problems due to lower involvement of guardians. This leads to lack of desired results despite efforts from other stakeholders such as the government and teachers. This programme aims to study the problem and come up with potential measures to deal with the issues
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